Make your web content out of ordinary

Content Strategy

Content strategy in web design requires careful planning of the content to achieve the desired result. This process is more than just writing a sales copy, it’s about bringing together content analysis, and formulating an editorial and architecture plans in order to create an effective copy. Content strategy requires a long, winded explanation but here’s a quick look at how to conceptualize content strategy together with your team:

Analyzing Your Content

In order to be effective, you need to do more than just churning out texts to fill a website. You need to know the purpose of the content.

Know Your Content’s Purpose

As a writer, you need to determine what type of statement fits the content you are creating. You need to ask yourself how this particular content will market your business, how will this content benefit the company, resolve customer problems and satisfy their needs?

Put Emphasis on Key Messages

Once you determine the purpose of your content, you need to use it to highlight the key message to a broad audience. You can collaborate with your team to determine these key points and integrate them creatively in your site content.

Anticipate The Next Big Thing

It’s not enough to know the content that your audience wants now; you need to know what they want next. Anticipate what type of developments will change your business; address answer to questions raised when users see your work. How? You need to continuously find something to keep your customers engaged in your business. How? By cultivating a good business relationship with your audience. This can be done in a variety of ways:

  •  Include a comment section on your site
  • Create social networking accounts
  • Create a blog

By using different channels to take your business closer to your audience and encouraging them to give their insights and feedbacks, you can improve your business and find patterns that will lead you to find the next big thing in your niche. This will not only demonstrate how much you value your customers’ business, it will also allow you to improve your business and be one step ahead of the competition.

Plan Everything

Never leave any stone unturned. Formulate your own SEO plan, content editorial plan, social networking plan, marketing plan, content management plan, content distribution plan, and any other aspects that have anything to do with dispersing your content. You can appoint different team members to lead others into applying these plans but be on top of everything. Conduct regular meetings so all team members know your action plans and work on improving the content.

Hire the Best Writers

There’s more to content writing than simply creating attention-catching headlines and great product features. What separates good content writer from great content writer? Analysis and synthesis. Your content writer should be able impact technical know-how as well as understand the importance of information architecture in order to create an effective web copy.

Το guest post αυτό το έγραψε ο Andy Chen, ένας SEO Developer που εργάζεται στην EACSOFT PTY LTD στο Underwood, Αυστραλία ειδικά για το


Leona |

October 18, 20124:49 am

Content is the most important part of the web design, a good content will attract a lot of visitors to read and share and make your web famous even help your business as advertisements without money. But the quality of content is very hard to achieve, and how to make it outstanding and valuable is a big course to study, this article is good help. |

October 27, 20128:16 pm

Thank you Leona, I agree that content is the king.;-)

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